Water Protection

The North Texas region is knitted together by waterways that extend into and through farms and ranches, and through towns and cities, and eventually to one of the nearby reservoirs, which are the main source of drinking water for North Texans. Rain falls across different surfaces in North Texas – farms, ranches, parks, neighborhoods, industrial and commercial areas. Protection of natural features in watersheds, in particular the riparian zones along creeks and streams, helps safeguard the quality of the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat. Natural lands absorb water and filter pollutants before reaching the sources of our drinking water. Natural lands and other pervious surfaces also capture and slowly release water over time, thereby decreasing flood damage and recharging groundwater. The priority areas that the Trust focuses on are the watersheds of Lewisville, Ray Roberts and Grapevine lakes, and the future Lake Ralph Hall. The primary way to protect the quality of water in these reservoirs is by permanently preserving natural lands, floodplains, and riparian zones through conservation easements, and by promoting good stewardship and land management practices.

Developed in 2015, The Trust partnered with Denton County and the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to develop the Denton County Greenbelt Plan. The Greenbelt Plan is a county-wide plan to guide the preservation of greenbelts and the adjacent natural areas within the watersheds of our local reservoirs. These greenbelt corridors need special attention and preservation to protect the quality of water and to ensure other benefits for future generations. The Plan identifies strategies that can be implemented by landowners, municipalities, and developers.

To encourage the implementation of the Greenbelt Plan, the Trust established a Grant Program to provide funding for projects that help accomplish the goals of the Greenbelt Plan. For more information on the Greenbelt Plan and the Grant Program, click on the links below.