Grant Program

Background and Purpose

The Upper Trinity Conservation Trust has established a Grant Program to provide funding for projects that implement on-the-ground practices and activities that accomplish the goals of the Denton County Greenbelt Plan. Eligible applicants include landowners, municipalities, utilities and other municipal governmental districts, and non-profit organizations.

The Greenbelt Plan was adopted in 2017 as a guide to preserve riparian greenbelt corridors and protect water quality in the creeks, rivers and lakes in the County that act as a natural filter and help to stabilize banks, among other benefits.  The Plan also encourages implementing green stormwater infrastructure practices to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff (and associated pollutants) from urbanized areas.

Click here to download a copy of the Grant Program application.

Grant Guidelines and Requirements

Projects that are eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Riparian restoration (planting, seeding or similar activity that would lead to a diverse and resilient riparian area)
  • Land management practices that improve natural processes that can reduce erosion and benefit water quality
  • Green stormwater infrastructure
  • Educational signage or similar items

Projects that are not eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Planning and/or design efforts
  • Trail development

Eligible applicants include:

  • Rural and Urban Properties
  • Private Landowners
  • Municipalities
  • Utilities or other Municipal Governmental Districts
  • Non-profit organizations (e.g. 501(c)(3))

For questions about the Grant program or how to submit an application, contact the Trust at 972-219-1228.